This project is for children aged 4-13yrs to help inspire them to understand and appreciate their local area, making the connections between all the elements of the Forest clearer through sociable and fun activities.
We aim to encourage a much closer understanding, connection and engagement of young people in the Forest with their local special area – its nature, heritage and culture.
Led by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and Forestry England, supported by voluntary leaders, Forest Explorers Groups provides a range of exciting, fun and engaging activities throughout the forest for children and families.
In time we hope that there will be a team of trained, experienced and self-reliant volunteers who are committed to continuing to run the Forest Explorers as a self-sustaining model.
During the Foresters' Forest 5-year programme the team have run monthly events and activities which link to other projects across Foresters’ Forest. There is an established network of contacts from other wildlife interest groups who can be called upon to help deliver this varied programme.
You can volunteer to be part of the team leading events and work with children, or simply book to attend a session with your child.
Places cost £1.00 per child, per session. Booking is essential. To book places, please email
This project is now run jointly by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and Forestry England.